About the protect your vote - Vote no on 2a, 2b, & 2g issue committee
Protect Your Vote - Vote No on 2A, 2B, & 2G is a local Broomfield citizen effort, organized by citizens of Broomfield that are concerned about the lack of real prioritization of the Broomfield City Council, and their fixation on growing their power at the expense of Broomfield voters.
The Protect Your Vote - Vote No on 2A, 2B, & 2G campaign is part of a registered Issue Committee, Broomfield Citizens for Accountable Government. We are mothers, fathers, home owners, business owners, seniors, employers, and employees. As all of you, we love our Broomfield community. Like you, we raise our families here, we work here, and we appreciate all the Broomfield has to offer as a safe, friendly, and welcoming community.
We have also seen the recent decisions by the Broomfield City Council to prioritize their political aspirations, pay, and pet projects over the true needs of Broomfield and Broomfield Citizens.
Rather that focus real priorities that they are facing around the financial needs and critical infrastructure needs of Broomfield as a city, the Broomfield Council has instead focused on increasing their power and length of time they can hold office, all at your expense.
Voting no on 2A, 2B, and 2G is YOU exercising YOUR voice and protecting YOUR right to tell the Broomfield City Council NO on their whims and desire - not only this November, but in the future.
Please join us, protect your vote and your voice, and Vote No On 2A, 2B, and 2G.
If you are interested in helping us with our efforts, please email us at broomfieldcag@gmail.com